SenseAcademy We Tech Care : how can we better support people in vulnerable situations in their first steps on the Internet ?
During 2 months, 8 young people with different academic profiles worked together to solve the challenge of Emmaüs Connect. Their goal : help the association mobilize a large number of volunteers to accompany 200,000 people per year in their first steps on the Internet !
Their solutions ? A system of interactive bollards disposed in the streets to raise awareness about the consequences of digital exclusion ; hotlines (online and offline) enabling the volunteers to do their work in a warm and friendly atmosphere ; and the creation of a community of “Connectors” in which every one will have the freedom to find the role that suits him the best, depending on his skills and his time.
If you want to know more about this program, you can check this article that was published by Echosciences.
About Emmaüs Connect
Created within Emmaüs Défi, Emmaüs Connect aims at fighting against digital exclusion for vulnerable people. Thanks to the support of numerous partners, they enable these people to have an access to several telephone and Internet services at a very low cost, which helps them be more autonomous in their daily lives.
Today, the access to many services being online only, the actions led by Emmaüs Connect are fundamental.
About the partner : the Grenoble INP Partner Foundation
The Grenoble INP Partner Foundation carries out several actions at regional, national and international levels to promote scientific research, new technologies and pedagogical innovation. They also work together with several local associations to defend their values of solidarity and citizenship.
We both have the same mission : solve tomorrow’s challenges by taking action !